
MD Anderson, 莱斯大学 Launch New Collaborative to Advance Cancer Research

Published Jul 02, 2024 by Brina Morales




该倡议将有助于促进两个机构在基础和转化癌症研究方面的合作, develop new technologies for cancer detection and therapy, and secure external funding in support of further research and training. Rice研究员、德克萨斯癌症预防与研究所(CPRIT)学者包刚和MD Anderson博士. Jeffrey Molldrem将领导该中心. 

“From fundamental discoveries in cancer science, 肿瘤免疫学和病人护理创新工程进展的药物输送系统, nanostructures and synthetic biology, 实现跨学科合作以开发新的检测技术和方法的潜力很大, 监测和治疗癌症,“Molldrem, 造血生物学主席 & Malignancy at MD Anderson, said in a 释放. “Hga010皇冠软件下载的目标是弥合生物工程和癌症研究之间的差距,创造出能够显著改善患者预后的变革性解决方案.”

The collaborative will also host monthly seminars focused on cancer bioengineering, 年度务静会,突出癌症和生物工程领域的研究和国际领导者. Five research areas will be at the core of the hub’s work:

  • Cell therapies: Developing more effective cell-based immunotherapies, including chimeric antigen receptor- and T cell receptor-based approaches.
  • Nanotechnologies: Using nanoparticles for targeted cancer detection and therapy.
  • Cancer vaccines: Incorporating advanced biomaterials, 合成生物学和纳米颗粒递送系统开发治疗性癌症疫苗.
  • 人工智能:利用先进的计算工具进行高精度的样本分析,以确定新的靶点并为治疗设计提供信息.
  • 分子成像:利用先进的分子成像技术来增强诊断和治疗工具.


莱斯大学和MD安德森癌症中心的合作证明了大休斯顿地区是如何致力于此的 advancing the life sciences and biotech industry. The region has seen major new life science developments come online recently, 包括Levit Green, TMC螺旋公园和 The Alexandria Center for Advanced Technologies in The Woodlands



The Woodlands 创新 District Aims to Attract 生命科学 Companies

Woodlands的一个新区希望扩大该地区生命科学发展的复苏.    大流行后的, life sciences companies have been establishing facilities in The Woodlands, particularly along Research Forest Drive. 现在, 开发商Howard Hughes和Vitrian在此基础上又增加了86家公司.3英亩用于未来发展,旨在吸引更多的生物制造公司到该地区. The duo has dubbed the area The Woodlands 创新 District.  “随着生命科学的进步,该合资企业进一步使Woodlands所代表的创新产业多样化,吉姆·卡门说, President of the Houston Region for The Howard Hughes Corporation in a statement. “Woodlands继续吸引着各行各业寻求高技能人才库的公司, 友善的商业环境, and high quality of life for their employees.”  The district joins the area’s cluster of existing life sciences companies, 如Millipore Sigma和VGXI. Cellipont Bioservices, a San Diego-based cell therapy contract development and manufacturing organization, 最近开了一家76,000-square-foot facility in the area. The facility is dedicated to cell therapies and serves as the company's new headquarters.  Cellipont’s move to the greater Houston region, 2022年宣布, kickstarted a surge in life sciences activity in The Woodlands. Bionova科学, another California-based biotech company, recently announced plans to expand into the area, 100分,000-square-foot manufacturing and research facility. 该公司, which produces materials used by cancer-fighting cell therapy companies, is expected to begin operations at the new location in 2025.  附近的, Nurix疗法, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company based in San Francisco, has relocated to the Alexandria Center for Advanced Technologies. 这个12英亩的生命科学校园, formerly the Lexicon Pharmaceuticals site, 去年在Lexicon创始人兼首席执行官的支持下成立,现在是Nurix的首席执行官, 亚瑟金沙. Backed by California-based real estate firm Alexandria Real Estate Equities, 校园仍在扩建中, with the goal of becoming a smaller version of The Texas Medical Center.   这些最近的发展使伍德兰大学成为该地区生命科学领域的领导者. 根据世邦魏理仕(CBRE)的《Hga010皇冠软件下载》.S. 生命科学展望, 2022年,Woodlands占休斯顿地区生命科学租赁交易的60%.  The Woodlands 创新 District will encompass five sites, each providing tenant facilities ranging from 40,000至200多人,000平方英尺. 这些网站将提供量身定制的外壳空间,预计将于2025年春季入住.  Learn more about Houston’s life sciences and biotechnology industries. 

Houston's 生命科学 Sector on the Verge of a New Era

通过多方面的战略,利用其现有优势,促进创新和增长,休斯顿将继续发展成为生命科学和生物制造的首要目的地.   自1945年成立以来, 德克萨斯医疗中心已经发展成为一个占地5平方英里的大型医疗区,每年为超过1000万名患者提供服务.  More than 60 institutions operate within the Texas Medical Center, serving as a catalyst for Houston’s collaborative ecosystem, with efforts like the Cell Therapy Manufacturing Center, JLABS@TMC和CUBIO. 这有助于为开创性的研究奠定基础,并提供了近5,000个正在进行的临床试验, 这是创新的一大福音.   近年来,休斯顿在创新生命科学和生物技术领域的领先地位奠定了坚实的基础,取得了重大进展. These efforts came into focus last month at Bisnow’s 生命科学 Evolution event, with leaders in the life sciences industry, 房地产和创新,展望休斯顿生命科学市场的未来增长. Among the assets shared as advantages were access to clinical trials, 商业环境, workforce efforts and quality of life.   “Having access to the patient population is critical to success, 尤其是多元化的人口,莫尼克·奈特, Portal 创新s的博士说. “There’s a key benefit to have access to these clinical trials and the expertise involved, as well as living close to where the science is being developed.”   立法行为, 例如11月通过的第10号提案,该提案为医疗器械和制药公司提供了新的激励措施, enhances the region's competitiveness and economic prospects. 另外, investments in workforce development, 例如,教育机构和行业伙伴之间的合作,如圣哈辛托学院和国家生物加工研究与培训研究所(NIBRT), ensure a skilled talent pool for the future.  “与公司的关系, colleges and high schools are integral,Pearland EDC副总裁Brian Malone在Bisnow讨论郊区生命科学发展的小组会议上说. “Hga010皇冠软件下载确实在这方面下了很大的功夫,制定了一项皇冠HGA010官方下载保留计划,以了解这些公司需要什么样的培训和什么样的员工.”   此外, 大量的房地产投资进一步支持了生命科学的研究和发展. TMC的Helix Park于2023年与TMC协作大楼和行业研究中心Dynamic One一起开放, with new tenant Houston Methodist leasing 75,800平方英尺. Just north inside the Medical District, Hines’ Levit Green is now leasing nearly 300,000平方英尺的实验室和办公空间,作为未来53英亩地区的一部分. 在地铁的东北侧, 麦考德大学总体规划的一代公园最近与圣哈辛托学院合作,在一个新的生物技术中心破土动工. 在森林里, Alexandria is developing 8800 Technology Forest Place into 325,000平方英尺的A级空间.   德克萨斯州癌症预防研究所(CPRIT)等倡议和蓬勃发展的创新生态系统进一步巩固了该市在生物科学突破和经济影响方面的前沿地位.  With strategic advantages like its top-ranked port, 多样化的人口, 以及进入全球市场的可能性, Houston is poised to further elevate its status as a hub for life sciences innovation. As Houston continues to advance its life sciences and biotechnology sector, opportunities for collaboration and growth abound, driving progress in public health and driving the next wave of bioscience innovation.   探索休斯顿's dynamic life sciences ecosystem.  



生命科学 and 生物技术 Forum

Finding solutions to the problems that matter most is baked into Houston’s DNA. As the Third Coast for 生命科学, the region’s world-class medical centers, research institutes and private companies are taking on…
