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人才 & 劳动力

The Houston metro area is the most racially and ethnically diverse region in the United States and the fifth most populous metro with over 7.300万人. A strong economy with expanding businesses, numerous universities and technical 学校, 相对而言 low cost of living 吸引新居民,使其成为美国发展最快的地区之一.S. 在美国所有城市中,都市区的人口增长第二多(124281人).S. metro from July 2021 to July 2022, reflecting a 1.7 percent increase. 在就业增长方面一直处于全国领先地位, Houston set a record for employment growth in 2021, 加上172,000个工作岗位. 第二年,休斯顿都会区又增加了145,700个工作岗位.

With a labor force of more than 3 million workers, the Houston area offers the large variety of talent at all skill levels necessary for a wide range of industries from professional services to 卫生保健 and advanced manufacturing to aerospace. 该地区也是年轻人才不断增长的中心,在美国排名前十.S. 吸引千禧一代,留住大学毕业生.


Population with a bachelor's degree or higher


Educated millennials


Net tech workforce

There is also a regional focus on developing tomorrow's workforce through educating young people on emerging industries and re-training mid-career professionals for high-demand careers. Houston has developed a strong bridge between the talent needs of various industries and the educational programs being offered through colleges, universities and technical programs.

探索 Houston's diversity


休斯顿地区有40多所两年制社区学院和四年制大学, 包括三所一流大学:莱斯大学, University of Houston, 和德州A&米大学. 休斯顿地区的学院和大学培养了近425人,000 students and graduate nearly 100,000 students annually. 除了, another estimated 20,000 students are enrolled annually in local trade, 职业, and business 学校 specializing in law, 卫生保健, 焊接, 制程技术, and other disciplines.




Trade, 职业, and business 学校



Two-Year Community Colleges
Four-Year or Above

Regional 劳动力 Development Initiatives


大休斯顿合作伙伴关系开发了UpSkill休斯顿, 一个全面的, 以行业为主导的方法弥合差距,填补“中等技能”职业的空缺.


Houston Back on Track

Houston Back On Track is an employer-led job recovery initiative with a mission to help get Houstonians back on their feet by working with Houston employers with current openings for quality, future-focused jobs.



劳动力 Development


大休斯顿伙伴关系因其劳动力发展工作而得到认可, winning Business Facilities' 2024 Economic Development Organization award in the large economic development organization category.  The economic development publication’s awards recognize economic development organizations “growing their communities” and recognizes “initiatives delivering results toward capital investment, 创造就业机会, quality of life 和更多的.“其他六个经济发展组织因其在同一类别中的倡议而得到确认.  UpSkill休斯顿, set to celebrate its 10-year anniversary this fall, 动员200多家关键企业的集体行动, education and community leaders developing the pipeline of skilled workers employers need and creating better pathways to opportunity for all Houstonians. As part of its mission, UpSkill休斯顿 bolsters talent-driven economic development efforts across the Houston region in focus areas like life sciences, 皇冠HGA010官方下载, as well as aerospace and aviation.  “We are excited about the recognition for the framework we’ve developed and we look forward to bringing our goals to fruition for the people of Houston,” said 彼得的胡子, 大休斯顿合作伙伴关系区域劳动力发展高级副总裁. “对于所有为Hga010皇冠软件下载地区充满活力的经济做出贡献的人来说,未来是非常光明的.”  近年来,休斯顿地区的教育合作蓬勃发展, 比如圣哈辛托学院的EDGE中心, which partners with the Houston Spaceport to train professionals for roles in innovative space enterprises like Intuitive Machines, Axiom Space and Collins 航空航天. In 2023, 105年,572平方英尺的直观机器月球生产和运营设施在休斯顿航天港开放, 确保这些学员直接接触到私营空间领域前沿的突破性创新.  在支持劳动力发展方面所取得的进步已经为休斯顿赢得了更多的机会, with the Department of 皇冠HGA010官方下载 taking notice. Houston’s selection as a clean hydrogen hub was spurred by collective investment in the workforce infrastructure from UpSkill休斯顿, the Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Transition Initiative (HETI), 休斯顿未来中心(CHF)和埃森哲. The effort aimed at mapping the anticipated 20,000 future local hydrogen careers and providing opportunity for 皇冠HGA010官方下载 transition inclusion and social mobility to disadvantaged communities.  UpSkill休斯顿已经成为区域经济发展的游戏规则改变者, 为未来一些最关键的部门提供劳动力解决方案. This impact will be seen as Houston continues to elevate its stature on the world stage as a destination for opportunity and prosperity for all.  了解更多关于休斯顿劳动力发展计划的信息.


Addressing a growing skills gap by closing economic disparities will be critical as Houston’s hydrogen economy grows. To address this opportunity, 大休斯顿伙伴关系的休斯顿提升技能计划, Accenture and the Center for Houston’s Future (CHF) have launched a new workforce development initiative that aims to help people in disadvantaged communities (DACs) secure good jobs in the emerging hydrogen economy by bridging the skills gap through training and skill development. 根据即将发布的白皮书的执行摘要, 该战略将瞄准高需求和高收入, 通过基于技能可转移性的技能匹配过程,提供中等技能的氢气工作, among other factors, 以及量身定制的学习旅程,提供从教育到就业的途径. 这将需要与氢经济中的主要利益相关者合作, including local industry employers, 教育机构和非营利组织. The list of partners includes Air Liquide, 雪佛龙公司, bp, 布鲁姆皇冠HGA010官方下载, Calpine, 陶氏, 高的, 林德, 壳牌, SLB, Brazosport College, Houston Community College, 李大学, Lone Stage College, San Jacinto College, 联合之路大休斯顿和墨西哥湾沿岸劳动力解决方案. The learning journeys will help people increase their earning potential and provide career stability by having direct access to the hydrogen sector. “The future growth of the hydrogen industry in Houston and the Gulf Coast provides the region with the opportunity to collaborate with business and industry to rewire the talent pathways into the hydrogen sector and increase economic mobility and opportunity for residents of communities historically underserved.——彼得的胡子,区域劳动力发展高级副总裁 The consortium aims to work with community stakeholders and educational institutions to align career and technical education (CTE) in high 学校 with dual credit in community colleges. The ongoing collaboration with colleges and school districts will also support the development of shorter-term programs for adults.  The new initiative follows the U.S. 皇冠HGA010官方下载部选择墨西哥湾沿岸作为七个区域清洁氢中心之一, with operations centered in Houston. 布雷特帕尔曼, President of the Center for Houston’s Future, says employers must implement inclusive workforce strategies to fill the skills gap and mobilize a sustainably scaled workforce by recruiting talent from throughout the community. Accenture’s research has found a high degree of jobs will be needed for hydrogen with highly correlated skills from other occupations and industries already in place. “要实现这一目标,需要非常有目的性地把握这些机会的交叉点... working across the ecosystem,” said Mary Beth Gracy, Houston Office Managing Director of Accenture, during a presentation of the strategy. The findings also predict a steady rise in middle-skill jobs within Houston’s clean 皇冠HGA010官方下载 hydrogen economy over the next five to 10 years, especially in carbon capture and 存储 (CCS), as well as consistent growth in manufacturing, 应用程序, 存储, 随着需求和技术的进步,分配和生产. Robert Nunmaker, General Manager – Hydrogen, USGC & Europe at 雪佛龙公司, echoed the report's conclusions. “该地区在供应低碳氢和氨方面发挥着关键作用, 这将需要熟练的本地劳动力来执行这些项目.” 根据麦肯锡和CHF的研究, 德克萨斯州——以及整个墨西哥湾沿岸地区——已经是美国最大的氢气生产国,拥有超过1万吨的氢气,000英里的专用氢气管道和48个氢气生产厂. 该地区还拥有多种皇冠HGA010官方下载资源, 包括大量集中的学术和产业驱动的皇冠HGA010官方下载创新, cutting-edge infrastructure, and a highly skilled workforce. Looking at the future 皇冠HGA010官方下载 mix, 到2050年,氢预计将占总皇冠HGA010官方下载消耗的12%, according to the IEA. 在其休斯顿作为氢能中心- 2050快照报告中, the Center for Houston’s Future predicts that 170,000 potential direct, 氢能经济可以创造间接和相关的就业机会, 同时也为德州的国内生产总值增加了1000亿美元. 了解更多 about UpSkill休斯顿.


教育 and 劳动力 Event

UpSkill休斯顿 10th Anniversary

We’re thrilled to mark the milestone of the 10th anniversary of the Partnership’s workforce development initiative with a memorable 2024 UpSkill休斯顿 Conference.  Over the past decade, UpSkill休斯顿 has…



  • 劳动力 economy statistics 
  • Economic and employment data 
  • Assistance with skills development training
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