
Mixed-Use Projects Transforming Allen Parkway Corridor

由Hailea Schultz于2023年9月14日出版



When the $58 million Buffalo Bayou Park renovation project that beautified and transformed the iconic green space was completed in 2015, the area stretching from I-45 West to Shepard Drive, 被称为艾伦公园大道走廊, 为增长做好了准备. 

获得开发者和企业的关注, the area quickly became a hotspot for 居民 looking for a short commute to work and easy access to food, 娱乐和绿地. 突破性的发展,如摄政广场, the 24-acre master-planned mixed-use district combined with the area’s close proximity to downtown, 推动经济增长, establishing the Allen Parkway Corridor as a premier destination. 

然而, after Hurricane Harvey hit Greater Houston in 2017, 个人和企业都面临着昂贵的损失, and Buffalo Bayou Park was left submerged underwater. Dedicated to stay in the growingly popular Allen Parkway corridor, businesses implemented new flood mitigation processes, including podium-style parking garages that feature concrete parking structures on the bottom floors, serving as a barrier to protect buildings from possible flooding.  

Other flood mitigation projects following Harvey include the North Canal project that will provide flood protection to 30,000 commercial and residential buildings downtown, 沿着白橡树河和布法罗河, 超过300个本地排水工程, 还有超过1亿美元的疏浚项目.

六年后, the Allen Parkway corridor proves to be “Houston strong,,因为它现在反映了一个繁华的社区, 随着新的发展和商业的蓬勃发展.   

一个新的, sophisticated $500 million mixed-use development dubbed 艾伦 is breathing life back into the area and redefining its real estate market. 

第一阶段, 艾伦公寓, 包括开发一个2.9亿美元的, 35-story skyscraper that towers over Buffalo Bayou Park. The stylish new building will offer luxurious condos, 高层复式公寓, 还有一家拥有170间客房的豪华酒店——汤普森酒店, 哪一个将住在前15层. The Thompson Hotel will feature lavish amenities such as a 24-hour valet service, 度假风格的泳池甲板, 全方位服务的水疗中心, and a helipad that both guests and 居民 can access. 

艾伦公寓 is nearing completion, with 居民 expected to move in this fall. 制作了将近四年, the remarkable development is set to revolutionize the Allen Parkway corridor, driving high-end property buyers and businesses to the area. 

"These residences epitomize the pinnacle of the development,阿祖克说, DC Partners首席运营官, 领导艾伦项目的开发者. “顶层公寓系列”, 每一个都是设计和风格上的杰作, take inspiration from the grandeur of condo living, infusing every residence with the world's most coveted luxury features. Buyers now seek properties and amenities that rival those found in cities such as New York, 洛杉矶, 芝加哥, 和迈阿密. 艾伦公寓 are setting a new standard for elevated living in Texas." 

该项目还包括一个62,000-square-foot 零售 building – the Pavilion at the Allen, 哪些已经完成了. 艾伦馆是34岁的家,6000平方英尺的健身房由EOS Fitness提供, 以前被称为德州Fit, 和托卡马德拉, a high-end Mexican steakhouse scheduled to open by the end of this year. 

Phase II of 艾伦 is anticipated to break ground in early 2024 and will include more 零售 and restaurant space and luxury multi-family living. 

Alongside 艾伦 comes another massive mixed-use project – Autry公园, a 14-acre urban village designed to increase connectivity and walkability to food, 娱乐, 零售, 和生活. 

The project's first phase includes two apartment buildings, 汉诺威奥特里公园, 一栋24层的公寓楼,有324个单元, 和汉诺威Parkview, 一栋八层的中层建筑,有421个单位, 还有50,000平方英尺的多功能空间. 这些公寓楼是去年开放的, 有健身房, 狗公园和宠物沙龙, 电影的房间, 共同办公空间, 还有包罗万象的游泳池. 

许多独特的餐厅, 商店, and amenities will open in the upcoming months at Autry公园’s mixed-use space, 包括Doko, 一家寿司店,还有一个贴心的, 12个座位的酒吧——Doko酒吧, 二人组, a fitness studio and café offering Pilates and spin classes and a full bar and kitchen and Sloan/Hall, 一个古怪的精品礼品项目, 成衣和高级珠宝. 

The project will also bring a new lighted intersection on Allen Parkway at the development's main entrance on Buffalo Park Drive. This new road will create safer access to and around Buffalo Bayou Park. Other infrastructure updates include revamping pedestrian crosswalks and traffic signals and a new bike lane along West Dallas. 

Future phases will include five additional buildings encompassing 1,450个住宅单位, 数千平方英尺的零售空间, 还有酒店. 

14英亩的土地是空白的, we saw an opportunity to ‘re-mix’ the concept of mixed-use by creating great spaces that integrate 娱乐, 技术, and wellness in a way that meets the needs of today’s workers, 居民, 购物者, 和游客,狮石公司首席执行官简·佩奇说, 奥特里公园开发商, 在新闻发布会上说. “Sustainable and healthier spaces can result in more productive people, and Autry公园 combines best-in-class real estate in a walkable environment with access to the relaxation and outdoor activities afforded by the park.” 

Other new developments bolstering the Allen Parkway corridor include the Ismaili Center, a cultural hub spanning 11 acres placed at the southeast corner of Allen Parkway and Montrose Boulevard. The new center will consist of breathtaking outdoor gardens and serve as a gathering space for the Ismaili community to worship and provide cultural and educational programs. The center is slated to be completed by the end of 2024. 

另外, the second phase of Regency Square – The Sterling, 一个拥有590个单元的多户住宅综合体, 最近于2021年开业. 毗邻公寓大楼, 新的部分将增加55,000平方英尺的零售空间, including three stand-alone restaurants surrounded by a pedestrian-friendly plaza featuring captivating green space and stunning water features. 

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